New Class for 2023!

After taking a break from a new Master Gardener class for a year (due to the lack of a horticulture agent), we will have a new class for 2023! Our applications for the new Master Gardener class were available from early May to the end of July, and from that, we received 12 applications. Later this month, we will sit down with these potential members to learn more about them and their interests in the Master Gardener program. The training begins in early September and runs through the end of November. Just like the last few years, we will be logging into a statewide Master Gardener training, but with an exciting change! This year, we will have a “watch party” of the training for those that prefer an in-person experience. This will be a great opportunity for the new volunteers to get to know one another and develop friendships as they join this organization! Of course, there is flexibility for the new members to log in on Zoom or watch a recording of the presentation after the fact.

This is a fantastic beginning to growing our group and gaining new perspectives to help “Improve our Community through Horticulture!”

Lane Wiens, M.S.


Shawnee Co. Horticulture Extension Agent

1740 SW Western Ave, Topeka, KS, 66604

785-232-0062 ext. 104

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